The story of pupusas began over 2,000 years ago with the Indigenous Pipil tribe of El Salvadorans. You have been missing out if you have never had this traditional Salvadoran dish! It is a type of flatbread or stuffed tortilla made of cornmeal filled with cheese and beans (or pork) and served with a spicy cabbage slaw. Why on earth would I be writing about this?
Well, it all began on a Sunday afternoon. A colleague had invited me to an event highlighting Salvadoran culture, food, and Hispanic comedy. Pinole Blue, a local business that specializes in pinole blue corn products sponsored the event. This is when I learned of the owner's and the headlining comedian's origin story.
Origin stories are important in relation to knowledge and culture. These stories infuse the significance of the everyday life and relationships between people. They explain why a culture or group of people are who they are and provide guidance on how this group operates in the world. The best aspect of the stories is that they began organically. One person began his business in his dorm room and received the support and needed catalyst by joining heads with one of his college professors. The comedian began by creating a patio in his mother's backyard, which in turn evolved into comedy events with pupusas, beer, and laughter. Not only are these stories fascinating, but they share wisdom and lessons with all who learn them.
This got me thinking - What is the origin story for Faythe Publishing and what wisdom and lessons will this story provide? Our story began with students exercising the courage to trust a teacher and believing that their words mattered. It continues with a teacher entrusting her faith in her authors and their work. Writing can be challenging. Authors must gather details, organize emotions, and access their active working memory. They must expose their vulnerabilities, share their work, and create that emotional connection between the reader and the creator.
Stories, poems, or lyrics are, of course, told with a narrative arc, but they are woven throughout all aspects of life. There are stories found in ancient mythology, folklore, songs, television shows, and movies. It can also be found in how blue corn tortillas are made. Sharing stories is a fundamental component of our experience. Stories help us remember important information that can guide our future actions- like not going into my grandmother's basement for fear of monsters - and steep steps. This helps us to survive and reminds us that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.
I guess that is the Faythe Publishing origin story.
We write because we need it to survive.
We share because we need to connect.
We promote this because every person should experience feeling bold.
Yes, our stories are bigger than ourselves. The process is not just about us, but it is about you.